h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Monday, March 07, 2005
Flooding sucks... I thought I moved to California??
So I went into my storage unit on Saturday to find a pair of shoes to go dancing in Hollywood in.... This particular storage unit is where every single thing I own is stored, including antique (very valuable) furniture, all my clothes, books, photos, you name it.

.... The entire back end flooded. Most of my cardboard boxes were completely saturated. All of my books got SO WET that they DISINTEGRATED when I picked them up. Big soggy pulpy messes. I AM SO UPSET!

The worst part was that my very special giant photo album full of baby pictures was soaked. I am picking it apart now trying to salvage all my baby photos. Most of the older pictures are completely ruined, because the ink lifted completely off the photo papers.

posted by isadanceaholic at Monday, March 07, 2005 | Permalink |


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