h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Friday, June 17, 2005
Winning (or losing): Half the Battle

How many times have you encountered the dancer who just will NOT stop bickering about how could they NOT have made finals, or how "awful" their draw was in the Jack and Jills (finals or prelims)? It seems that more often than not I see these indivuduals who are set on placing all the blame of a bad jack and jill dance upon their partner?

*note* for all you non-dancers out there, a Jack and Jill competition is where a lead (guy) and follow (girl) are randomly paired up to dance together to a random song. Luck of the draw is as important as skill. Kind of like poker, but for less money and with generally hotter guys.

I remember when I walked off the dance floor in Costa Mesa last weekend, someone commented to me "Wow, you did such an amazing job. It's too bad you had to draw that guy. He was terrible!!" So I'm expected to bitch and moan and place all blame on my partner's skills? Yeah, I've drawn some lousy partners before. Big deal. I am lousy too. Here's something new: I have had spanktastic dances with the same guy before, apparently something didn't click this time. Oh well, better luck next time.... hmm, here's a new concept: maybe dancing really IS a partner dance?

Yes, sometimes we have bad draws. Sometimes we draw that lead/follow who is the worst in the bunch, and you wonder why they are in your division (for those of you in the higher divisions).... but for chrissakes this is why it is called a PARTNER dance. It takes two! 50/50.

"I can't BELIEVE I didn't get into finals!! "
Believe it. You either:
A) suck like a hoover
B) are having an "off" day, or
C) your partner wasn't "up to par"...

Method of attack?

A) Get better. Take lessons. Dance more. Whatever floats your boat.
B) Better luck next time. Suck it up and MOVE ON.
C) Usually this excuse happens when either the partner truly is in the wrong division, are having problems of their own... but chances are more likely that you are outdancing your partner and therefore visibly fighting them on the floor (frequent issue).

I'm just really tired of hearing people get so worked up on not making finals, or not placing, or whatever. It makes dancers look so unpleasant. Either that or just plain annoying. At the very least it fills me with a sudden urge to vacate the premises and save myself the agony of listening.

Partner dancing is a conversation art. We all have good conversations and bad conversations. It's an art that only gets better with practice, and sometimes we're going to meet those people that no matter what we do, we just can't have a good conversation. Such it is the same with dance.

I've seen people storm off the dance floor after the competitors are excused by the judges, not even taking the time to thank their partner for the dance. What is up with that?? Have a nice effing day to you too, pal!

THANK you to the leads who have danced with me on my bad days, and have still thanked me afterwards. Thank you for the hugs, and for coming up to me again after competitions to dance socially. I love you. I really do.

posted by isadanceaholic at Friday, June 17, 2005 | Permalink |


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