"Alien Asparagus Invasion"
I'm sure all the Californians here remember the rains we had a while ago... About a week before the last downpour, Dad and I were outside weedwhacking the yard, and were removing plants from the area lining the fence between our yard and our neighbor's yard. The guy next door has this cactus plant, and it's rather large, like a giant super-prickly aloe vera plant thing. It looked normal enough... then two weeks AFTER the rains, Dad and I are getting out of his truck and he goes "Jesus Christ what the HELL is that thing?!?!"

Yeah, the spike grew in TWO effin' weeks, I kid you not. That funky spike was most definitely NOT there before. It's like a massive asparagus from hell... We can't wait until it blooms....
I'm taking bets on when it blooms and what comes out if anyone is interested :D Remember Jack and the Beanstalk? I have my climbing spikes ready and waiting. "Hello boys, remember me? I'm baaaaaacccckkkkk!"
Whoever guesses what movie that is from gets 10 points.