Westies Don't Want to Miss This...
***Posted July 4th, 2006***
Since I'm still in Phoenix where I've been happily buzzed, tanned, sweaty
(110 degrees!!!), and relaxed for the past 4 days and I'd rather be vacationing than blogging, I'll make this short and sweet:
This Wednesday, July 5th, 8pm-10pm on SYTYCD....
West Coast Swing.That's right. You heard me.
West. Coast. Swing.I'll leave the speculation about the quality of the representation open for debate.
BTW, Phoenix = Best Dance Convention. Ever.
***Update July 5th, 2006***
So, who will be the first to deposit their two cents into the comment bucket and display their true feelings/reactions to seeing the result of a decidedly non-Westie choreographing a dance routine and calling it "West Coast Swing"?
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, July 04, 2006

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How'd you do in Phoenix (if you competed)?
4th in Advanced, baby! Only 33 more points to go until All Stars, lol.
Congrats on your placement!
Can't wait to see tonight's show!
Congrats on your placement!
Can't wait to see tonight's show!
OMG! I hope people don't walk away thinking that what's WCS is!
Westies might have to go on HUNGER STRIKE in front of NIGEL to oppose the portrayal of WCS :-)
- kumar
That was sooo bad! Okay, what conjugations do you have for "ew"? I think I used all of them a whole lot more than once...
I don't know.. if Ron Montez continues to choreograph outside of his element (Latin dancing)... and if Benji or Heidi draws WCS.... that could be a nasty little conflict of interests...
***Before commenting, please recite:***
"Grant me the serenity to ignore the trolls,
the courage to debate with honest opponents,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
How'd you do in Phoenix (if you competed)?