h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Westies Don't Want to Miss This...
***Posted July 4th, 2006***

Since I'm still in Phoenix where I've been happily buzzed, tanned, sweaty (110 degrees!!!), and relaxed for the past 4 days and I'd rather be vacationing than blogging, I'll make this short and sweet:

This Wednesday, July 5th, 8pm-10pm on SYTYCD....

West Coast Swing.

That's right. You heard me. West. Coast. Swing.

I'll leave the speculation about the quality of the representation open for debate.

BTW, Phoenix = Best Dance Convention. Ever.

***Update July 5th, 2006***

So, who will be the first to deposit their two cents into the comment bucket and display their true feelings/reactions to seeing the result of a decidedly non-Westie choreographing a dance routine and calling it "West Coast Swing"?
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, July 04, 2006 | Permalink |


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