Sometimes, I miss that little piece of paradise I once called home. I miss Orcas Island. Was it the remote-ness of it all? The fresh scent of ocean and pine trees mixed together? Perhaps it was the peace and quiet. No.. I think it was all that, and then the green. GOD I miss the green...... I miss the friendly people. Here in San Diego, you say hi to someone, you have a 3 in 5 chance that they're going to stare at you like there is something wrong with you before they scuttle to the other side of the street. I miss the friendly wildlife. Some of the deer were so friendly I swear you could hunt them with a handful of dog food and a ramset (think: big wrench). In San Diego, most of the wildlife are either strays or homeless. Oh, and the occasional lost parrot.
Look at this! How can you NOT miss this:

Our swimming facilities: Cascade Lake. Cold:

Then again.. You can only get to the Island one of two ways. You can fly by plane. When I say "plane," I am talking little bitty 2-6 seat twin-props. Riding in one of those during a windstorm tops any rollercoaster ride that Six Flags has got. The other way is far more common. By boat. Most people take a ferry. You pay an arm and a leg to pack yourself and your car on a boat like you're cattle. Did I mention the ride is 80 minutes? There's a third way to get there.. you can swim.. but I wouldn't recommend it.

Any other Orcas people miss this??
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, December 06, 2005

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