1. I've never been to a concert in my life.
2. When I was little, I had a pet raven... among other things. There were few animals that I did NOT have at one point or another.
3. I can plug my nose with my lips. It's how my dad taught me to swim when I was little.
4. When I was in my sophomore year of high school, I survived a kick to the forehead by a horse.
5. Until I was 7, I was bilingual, English and Spanish.
6. I used to be a wallflower, until about mid-Sophomore year. I hated to dance. Boy, hard to believe, huh?
7. I grew up on a tiny island that took an hour and a half to get to by boat, or something like that.
8. Once, I smuggled an iguana across the US-Mexican border in a sock.
9. I was once engaged. BIG mistake. :-D
10. I spent a year of high school without a car. I hitchhiked instead (ah, the benefits of growing up on a rock in the middle of B.F.E.).
11. The farthest I've ever gone for a first date is Colorado - from Washington. On HIS tab.
12. I have a freckle on my left knee in the shape of a capital letter "A". That's right, Grade A, baby.
13. Number thirteen.... Just for you, Josh: I once photographed Superman flying over a hotel bed in Los Angeles...... :-D