h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The 7 Men (Days)
Me: I'm so over today.
Johnson: That sounded like you had a volatile relationship with today (Thursday) and its been cut off. Like today was an ex-boyfriend.
Me: I'm going to cheat on it with tomorrow, Friday.
Johnson: But you know Friday is always just a fling... whimsical, uncaring, nothing serious can happen with a Friday. You could use a One Friday Stand.
Me: Saturdays and Sundays are my cuddlers, because all I want to do is SIT AROUND on my Saturdays and Sundays.
Mondays are like the date you're obligated to see through, even though you dread it and you still got Sunday on your mind.
Johnson: Tuesday is the second date you go on because your friend set you up with him and you want to give it a fair shake.
Me: And Wednesday... well... that is Hump Day. You know what that means....
posted by isadanceaholic at Thursday, January 10, 2008 | Permalink |


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