I woke up Sunday morning in downtown San Diego at my friend Jae's house, gathered up all my stuff, and went out to my car barefoot and in my pyjamas to drive back home and get ready to go up to Orange County to see my dad for a belated birthday celebration. The grinding sound my car was making didn't sound good, so after two blocks I pulled into the nearest gas station to check it out. A nice lady in a car solved my problem when she rolled down her window and shouted, "Hey, you have a flat tire!"
Nice. Just what I needed.
Still groggy, I parked my car along the side of the gas station where the air pump was and quick-changed in my driver's seat out of my pj bottoms and into my jeans to look halfway presentable. We won't talk about my day-old hair and makeup... If you can imagine me trying to change as fast as I could while contorting around the steering wheel, my eyes darting around praying to god no one saw my naked white butt, you have a pretty good picture of how FAST I truly was trying to change.
I got out of my car to check the damage, and sure enough, flat tire. Out of NOWHERE comes this one-armed homeless guy with wild grey hair (but not before the aroma of transient old dude announced his arrival). He points at my tire and launches into a maddening tirade of fix-it tips, occasionally stopping to scratch his head. The whole time I'm pumping Fix-A-Flat and air into my tire I'm praying to god he doesn't touch me or come any closer...
Within 20 minutes I was cruising up the 805 to meet Dad for lunch, thanks to the wonders of Fix-A-Flat. Stupid flat tires. I just BOUGHT these tires in January!!!
A. Your recitation before posting is pretty hilarious.
B. If your flat keeps reoccurring, you might have a local tire joint check the seating of the bead - recently replaced tires can get a mis-seated bead or other problems (I've had both bead problems and valve stem problems) - it's a quick $20 fix, at least in NY.