No woman in their right mind would call this straight...
The other night I couldn't get to sleep when I'd gotten home from my late-night shenanigans, so I started playing on the computer with the TV blaring in the background.
Suddenly I hear, "
Guys gone wild, Yeah baby I'm in Cancun!!"And there on my television screen is a visual bombardment of *censored* naked male ass stumbling through the commercial in an alcohol-induced exhibitionist daze.
You've GOT to be kidding me. Is this a joke? Who would buy this crap??
*five minutes of Google-sniffing later* - I must be bored....
Apparently the "Guys Gone Wild" producers
claim that their target market is straight women.
Bullsh*t.Translation in "market strategy code":- Young college aged women
- Those in search of gag gifts for bachlorette parties and other events
- Gay men
Their Marketing Director is quoted as saying “
Guys are shown prancing around and playing football — naked — in places like Cancun, South Padre Island." Wait.. come again? Did he just put "Guys" and "prancing" in the same sentence?? No straight woman in her right mind would guy a video that promises footage of guys PRANCING.
The stars are young, good-looking guys who aren't shy about taking it all off and letting it all hang out. They gyrate like strippers, do push-ups and, in one memorable scene, bounce up and down on their hotel room beds while tossing a football back and forth."
Naked guys + Prancing = Fruity.
Guys bouncing on beds + tossing football back and forth = Fruity.
Not a single sighting of body hair (from what I can see) = Waxed. Fruity.
Babyfaced boytoys = Fruity.
Let's remove item #1.
Young college aged women.
Would anyone REALLY buy this as a gag gift for a bachelorette party? Probably not. There are much better things to buy. Like a male stripper to show up in person.
Let's remove item #2.
Those in search of gag gifts for bachlorette parties and other eventsThe real target audience?
Gay men(That's more like it.)
Don't believe me? It looks like
the writers at Salon.com came to the same conclusion.
Those cameras bring out the best in people, don't they?
I think I saw that male stripper I met at In Cahoots last summer. John Paul something-or-other.
I always had a sneaking suspicion that my gaydar was going off when we met him.