"You're no longer a necessity to the company."I cried the whole drive home. Maybe I cried out of shame and frustration. Or, maybe I was just plan relieved. It might have also been one of those oh-shit-what-now cries.
Either way, I was laid off from my job last Wednesday. Yep, E is unemployed. What's worse is that I didn't even get a severance. Thankfully, I feel better about it now. It was such a negative environment and I was so unhappy. That place sucked the soul out of people. I have a chance to find something better.
Now, the world is my oyster. If only I could find my pearl.
Anyone need a super spiffy resume design? I'll build you the perfect resume for a low price!
posted by isadanceaholic at Monday, October 20, 2008

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Wow. Congratulations. Isn't it amazing how sometimes life deals us exactly what we need, even if we don't realize that it is what we need. I also was laid off from a job once (3 days after escrow closed on my house) that I thought I really needed. But it was as if my subconscious took charge and created the lay-off because I had refused to quit. I ended up with a much better job a few months later. I know that you will as well. You are so intelligent, and from what I have read here on your blog, that work environment and boss were almost intolerable. You are going to discover someplace so much better suited for you now!
***Before commenting, please recite:***
"Grant me the serenity to ignore the trolls,
the courage to debate with honest opponents,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wow. Congratulations. Isn't it amazing how sometimes life deals us exactly what we need, even if we don't realize that it is what we need. I also was laid off from a job once (3 days after escrow closed on my house) that I thought I really needed. But it was as if my subconscious took charge and created the lay-off because I had refused to quit. I ended up with a much better job a few months later. I know that you will as well. You are so intelligent, and from what I have read here on your blog, that work environment and boss were almost intolerable. You are going to discover someplace so much better suited for you now!