I was dancing between competitions today in Dallas and had what can only best be described as a dumbfoundingly disapponting experience while dancing with a gentleman whom I'd known for a number of years but hadn't seen for a while. He asked me to dance and took me out to the edge of the floor in front of about 30 people sitting down. After about half of a song where he repeatedly tried moves on me that forced me to choose between allowing my arm to be ripped out of its socket or quicky letting go and working it out until the next move, the following conversation (if you can call it that) ensued:
Him: "Why don't you just start following me??"
Me: "I am, aren't I?"
Him: "All you keep doing is letting go of my hand. You won't follow anything and you never have. You're not even trying!"
Me: "I'm sorry but you're being kind of rough."
Him: "I'm not rough. You just won't follow. We've never clicked; I don't even know why I am dancing with you in the first place."
And just like that, the dance was over. He angrily stomped off the floor and there I was trying to figure out if that had really happened. I can't remember the last time I was so shocked, embarrassed, or hurt. What I do know is that I've never been treated like that, and that it was pretty traumatizing.
I'm not THAT bad of a dancer!!! I'm no Pro, either, but I still would like to be treated nicely...
posted by isadanceaholic at Sunday, August 31, 2008

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Good thing I wasn't there to witness that .. or there would have been a smackdown!! What a douche!!!
Oh man- Is chivalry dead?
I also hate it when a guy just dances around you like you are his pole, showing off and not doing moves that are fun for BOTH dancers. LAME.
Pretty rude, pretty daggone mean. Sorry that happened honey. Wish I would have been there so you would have had some friendship and support at that shocking moment left alone on the floor like that, in front of an audience. Yuk. Awful.
That guy's a prick! Seriously, it's just dancing! People like Douche McCallister here are why I stopped taking dancing seriously.
Remember that chick who started crying because she got paired with me at the Spokane Monster Mash years ago?
I'm glad you chose your arm over his ego.
hey, woman, i have to disagree with you. you ARE a pro. you take what you do seriously, you respect and invest in your craft, and you're very talented at it, and that's what it means to be a pro. people who treat it the way that idiot did are amateurs and not worthy of your time. i miss you :-)
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Good thing I wasn't there to witness that .. or there would have been a smackdown!! What a douche!!!