As we were exiting the Mission Movie Theater post-Kung-Fu-Panda in downtown Oceanside, our eyes were greeted with a perplexing sight.
At first glance it looked normal enough. There was a motorhome pulled over with two police cars behind it and two scruffy looking guys standing in front of the motorhome getting a ticket written up by two police officers.
-This is where it gets weird-
We're in downtown Oceanside, and parked behind the motorhome is a Highway Patrol car. There is a guy sitting behind the wheel of the H.P. car, but we're pretty sure it was a dummy, because he wasn't moving at all. Parked behind the Highway Patrol car is an Oceanside Police Department car with its lights on. The next thing we notice is that the highway patrol car's front axle is lifted off the ground.
Is that motorhome towing the Highway Patrol car??
As it turns out, the motorhome owners thought it would be funny to tow a fake Highway Patrol car behind their rig.
Too bad the Oceanside P.D. didn't find it a laughing matter. Apparently the car was a little too real.
The only thing that would have fully completed the scene would have been a giant Johnny Chimpo logo on the side of the motorhome and a rabid pet pig....
Nice... Don't forget that a full on brawl of HP vs. PD with them exchanging members afterwards would have made it completely entertaining. :) And good enough to publish as ST2: The Post-Movie heist.