h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
And the Benj-Zen Continues.....
Hmm... could it be true? Benji draws Heidi??

Fact: Benji is dancing Mambo and Broadway with someone. Buddy said so Sunday night... I can't wait to see if they'll show Buddy's scrolling electronic sign tomorrow night. What a hoot that was when he demonstrated it at the Clubhouse on Sunday night!

Possibility: Benji is dancing with Heidi.

(Ok, Lacey. Now could be a good time for me to know exactly how many people you think are posing as you on the Internet, because I'm seeing a lot...)

Another kudos out to Kristin and Nick for choreographing an impressive and representative Lindy routine! Not bad for only what, two or three days of rehearsals available to the dancers? The styling was there, yay! Please do it again! Please keep Ron Montez AWAY from the Choreographer's Room!!! Break his kneecaps - I really don't care at this point.

As a final note, last week's group routine was B-A-D-A-S-S!!!

Props to Robson for "Ramalama'ing" Michael Jackson's "Thriller" (click here)

Tidbit: When you watch a dance routine on TV over and over enough times to memorize BOTH Benji and Donyelle's parts... I think the obsession may have gone too far....
Can you stop the beat?

Thanks goes out to Vixen fon keeping me posted.
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, July 25, 2006 | Permalink |


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