*For those of you who work with me, this does not extend into the department. Thanks.*

Should I stay or should I go?
Currently I work a position that is semi-upper echelon in my Corporation. I have just been offered a position in Chicago pretty much doing what I am doing now, but on a higher Corporate Executive level, and working closely with our biggest client (as in, I'm in THEIR Corporate Headquarters).
The Situation:
The move would have to happen BY October, to comply with our client's demands.
Pay Raise $$$
Promotions galore
Living on my own
Amazing opportunities - new adventures.
They're willing to accomodate for dance competitions (i.e. they don't have a problem with me being gone 1-2x a month on Fridays, etc.) and to finance the move.
Leaving CA, sunny weather, the ocean behind. Chicago = SNOW.
Leaving my entire family.
Leaving my friends!!!
Going further from dance hubs - I would have to travel to more events via plane rather than just drive. From what I've researched, the dance community in Chicago is lacking...
I'd have to start paying rent (yes, I live rent-free right now).
The Toss-Up:
I must choose A (Make the move) or B:
Stay here but spend 3-4 weeks out in IL during the upcoming 2 months training someone to do the job for the client out there and then come back here and continue what I'm doing (no pay raise - for now, etc) and keep on truckin'... Oh, and cross my fingers and toes praying that the person we put out in IL doesn't screw up.
If money were the only factor, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat..... but how important would the money be if I were unhappy? There will always be opportunities in this Corporation to move up and out, but at the same time... this is a damn good opportunity...
Thoughts? Has anyone been to Chicago to visit/dance?
OH... and did I mention that I only have until Friday morning to present my decision?
posted by isadanceaholic at Wednesday, August 30, 2006

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No don't go!!!!
That said, sounds like an awesome opportunity. And more money and you can go to dance things without hassle--that's pretty sweet too.
I have no idea about the chicago dance scene. So you won't be getting your local dance fix. But the really cool people go to dance conventions anyway *wink, wink*
I think you could make new friends easily but it IS hard to be away from family and those who know you. Do you want a change?
You are also heavily involved in the dance community here, is that because it is easy or because it is all you want to do? Because it does seem silly to move away from the thing that is most important to you, if dance is.
I probably haven't been that helpful. I'll stop now:) Keep me updated!
You're kidding me about the Chicago scene, right? Lacking? Hardly! Considering the majority of the advanced and all-star finalists hail from the midwest, I don't think you would feel a loss in the scene, and the Chicago scene is one of the friendliest and funnest. Making friends in Chicago will not be an issue, so you can take that one off the list. Of course they fly to events, but you would also have to fly to events on the east coast anyway, and we have events in every city that holds a swing scene here in the midwest. You need to e-mail Jimmy, or Christopher and Katrina. They'll convince you.
p.s. Being involved in the Chicago scene will be fine for you. There are positions available in different realms, depending on what you're looking for. I can give you more info on that, if you're interested.
This is what I tell all my friends considering a major move and worried about leaving friends/family/etc.
If you don't like it you can always move back but if you don't go you'll never know what you may have missed.
I agree 100% with Christina!! You should never live your life with "what if's". From what I understand of your life right now... and granted we don't talk that much and I'm not very updated... I think the move to Chicago would be one of the best things for you. The dance scene is very big out there... I know Katrina just fell in love with everything about that city. I've actually even considered my options out there as well. YOU CAN ALWAYS MOVE BACK! Yes you will miss your friends and family but you will still see them alot at dance events. You are still young and you need to enjoy being young. I say you're crazy if you don't go :) Everyone is going to give you advice, and my advice to you is don't take anyone's advice... ultimately you have to wake up every morning and live YOUR life. So do what will make you happy. The only thing you should ask around about is the dance scene there, and like I said, I heard it's pretty hoppin. Love you and I'm dying to know your decision. I was gunna IM you about it once I read it but you aren't on!
Ew. I think I just ate a rotten banana.
If there is any doubt in your mind that you may regret not going (regardless of the reason), GO!!!!!!! Seriously, if it sucks you can move back but you might not get this opportunity again. And you made it through winters in Pullman....at least there's stuff to do in Chicago in the wintertime!
~Anna :^)
From a business standpoint, you're a thousand times more valuable as a flexible employee, but that's not reason enough for the move and you know that. Fear of leaving friends and family isn't enough of a reason to stay, but you know that too. Everyone here will miss you, well that's not true, I'd love to see you gone. ;) But seriously, this would be a big change. While all change is not progress, no one wants to stagnate. I get the feeling you have an inkling about which one you should go with.
Chicago is one of the most incredable cities in the world (and we don't have salt in our water) We have a good scene. We could always use a few more good dancers but who couldn't. If you a planning to live down town come on. If you are planning on living in the burbs, it just llike any other burb...stripclubs oops I mean strip malls, Starbucks, blockbuster etc. If you need mor reinforcement talk to Melina... Again Chicago is an awesome city. We have everything that NY and LA has with a little less congestion and a little less smog. (OK and maybe not AS many celebs). You get the Idea. Contact me directly if you need anything more....Jimmy
I thought dancing in Chicago was supposed to be good....but I really don't do it, so I'm not positive. plus: you'd be within 4 hours of me:-)
Chicago's a pretty sweet city.
I've been asking people for similar advice, but about grad school instead of moving across the country. Both are amazing opportunities.
I think it's good that you've made a list of pros & cons that is written down -- I've only got mine in my head.
What's the best advice I've gotten in all this? Just more questions for me to ponder...
"Will you regret your decision later?"
"What is your heart telling you?"
"What's the opportunity cost?"
And not a question, but the very best piece of advice (I think so anyway...):
"You're the only one that can make this decision -- you're the only one that's living your life."
From the looks of all the other comments that you've gotten & what I've seen of you at dance events, you've got a lot of good friends that will support you no matter where you go...
Okay, I lived in the midwest for four years. And it doesn't just mean snow it means lots and lots of snow. Chicago does deal with it better than most of the other cities but it is frickin' fridged in the winter time and flippin hot in the summer. It does have culture but if you want dancing you sound like you are good to go where you are at. One good thing for Chicago, there are two airports and lots of airlines based out of there so you can get cheap tickets for flying.
I think that any big change we make in life is going to be scary. Moving away from things you know is one of the scarriest things ever. I can tell you one thing I learned from moving away from home...I grew a hundred times more than staying where I was. You know this from moving from WA to CA.
Here are my thoughts and you can take them and think about them or just keep them here for others to read....
While you are young and there is nothing tying you down (I'm sorry but dancing in So Cal should not be a main factor) you should live life and experience as much as possible. While yes, Cali is one of the most desireable places to be, do you see your self staying here forever? You have such a WONDERFUL opportunity in front of you, it seems almost crazy to not go with it. There are so many different opportunities that could be before you that you will never know if you stay here. What does staying in So Cal have to offer besides some of your friends and dancing. If you were to go, you could live on your own, meet new people and see old friends that you have already out there. Think of it that way.
I know that you will follow your heart and we will be praying for you. Sometimes you need to take a leap for a chance...the question is...how froggy do you feel???
Love ya girl and see ya tomorrow~
***Before commenting, please recite:***
"Grant me the serenity to ignore the trolls,
the courage to debate with honest opponents,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
No don't go!!!!
That said, sounds like an awesome opportunity. And more money and you can go to dance things without hassle--that's pretty sweet too.
I have no idea about the chicago dance scene. So you won't be getting your local dance fix. But the really cool people go to dance conventions anyway *wink, wink*
I think you could make new friends easily but it IS hard to be away from family and those who know you. Do you want a change?
You are also heavily involved in the dance community here, is that because it is easy or because it is all you want to do? Because it does seem silly to move away from the thing that is most important to you, if dance is.
I probably haven't been that helpful. I'll stop now:) Keep me updated!