... have I been?
Sometimes it seems like random events cluster into a massive onslaught of one-thing-after-anotherness to create big changes in one's life.
So what have I been up to lately?
Playing dodgeball in the midst of yet another one of the torrential downpours of happenings that seem to chronicle my life like clockwork.
Enter the balls in play: Fun, Family, Work, Life, Dance, and Health.
Fun. I rode my very first rollercoaster at Six Flags. I wanted to ride Tatsu a second time but Arjay said "oh hell no." I have decided that the higher the thrill rating ("high thrill" a.k.a. "wear Depends"), the more I want to ride it. There's something about that sensation of having your heart hit your uvula (that thing dangling in the back of your throat) and your stomach pressing through your feet - at the same time - that is a sensation I want to feel again. Even if it is only to have a good excuse to scream my head off in exhilaration.
Family. It has a particular hysterical charm that can betray parts of you that are usually hidden and at other times downright be uncontrollably emotional. I will suffice to say that I have yet to learn my lesson. It seems I keep going back for more punishment by seeking to experience that feeling that is apparently beyond tangibility. It's a lot to handle, and I don't recommend it to anyone.
Work. Too many corporate meetings demanding too many corporate reports. Process management and policy restructuring. Rebuilding management access levels in databases. Oh, in English? Busy, or something like it. Don't get me wrong, please. Busy is a good thing, but only when you refer to the kind of busy that makes the day fly by fast with a consistent feeling of accomplishment. When "busy" is borne from a hectic rush to clean up the messes that are made when the corporate machinery blows a gasket from shoddy planning - it sings a cacophonic tune of chaos and frustration. WHEE!!!
Life. I'm moving again, but not to Chicago (hah). Events of October 2004 and October 2005 repeated themselves like a bitter and absurd Anniversary. I wasn't kidding when I related my life to clockwork. By November 5th, I will be changing my abode for the seventh time in as many years. College will do that to you.
Dance. From Phoenix to Palm Springs, San Diego, Portland, San Francisco, Anaheim, Chico, and Los Angeles in the past 4 months alone! Who would have thought that in such a crazy jumble of cities, planes, airports, road trips, and late late nights-turned-into-sunrise I would find my sanity and anchor in this world?
Health. Dental issues, anyone? At 25 years old, I experienced a root canal and crown. OUCH. The migraines are getting more frequent. I think I'm getting old! Vicodin is my friiieeennnddddd.......
If it wasn't for dance events, and the welcomed mini-trips I take up to OC and spend with good friends, I'd probably go crazy... And there are also those of you who remind me that it isn't all about me (despite the fact that the majority of this blog IS about me), and that in comparison my problems often don't hold a candle to others'.
I love you guys.