The plants in my garden know enough of my daily angst and secret desires to fill the E! Daily News Gossip Column for a year straight. Whenever I water all the plants I end up standing there and letting my myriad of thoughts flow out, right along with the water from the hose. At least that way my venting is productive – you wouldn’t believe how much the plants have grown and flourished.
There have been so many times when I have wanted to tell my dad or my mom that they’re being an insensitive jerk, my friends that I am feeling particularly lonely on a given weekend and would really like to feel included, or everyone at work that they need to stop piling on the projects because as it stands I’m at my wits’ end and ready to blow…..
Maybe some of those times it would be better for me to just say something right then, instead of pausing to think if it really is important before I open my mouth.
...My coveted little slice of heaven would not be so lush and leafy.