The Best Advice I've Read As of Late...
***If this is for real, my applause***This author has some brazenly honest and straightforward insight on being young and in debt (
my-oh-my doesn't that sound familiar?). It certainly got my gears turning - and for those of you who are leaving high school and/or college - it's a good bit of information if you don't know anything about debt pileup.
The Lesson:
"You Can Learn a Lot From a Rich Girl"The Drastic Measure Taken:
It's pretty drastic - I mean, WHO DOES THIS??Because we're liiiving in a Material World.....Some perspective on the Material World, brought to you by the United States (versus everyone else).
All I'm sayin' is, think about it. Because I am.
posted by isadanceaholic at Monday, November 13, 2006

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A lot of people in the world are a lot happier with a lot less, yet many think more "things" will make them happy. My roomate is building towards being a missionary to India, so she's been actively sacrificing a lot of things she "could afford" in order to live more simply and have more money to send to poor people in other countries. I have been trying to spend less money as well... I have been blessed that I am debt-free now, but soon I will be getting married and getting a house and then I'll have a mortgage. Right now, my fiance and I are saving for the down payment... But one of the things I come back to again and again is a scripture in 1 Titus 6:7 & 8, which says if we have food and clothing we should be content. Not even shelter, just food and clothing. That's kind of my goal - not that I won't have anything more than food and clothing, but that my heart would be content with just that and that because of this I'd have a simpler life. Right now my simpler life consists of having no microwave (so I take it slow and take the time to cook) and having no tv channels. (my default isn't watching tv but spending time with friends or reading etc) I'm hoping that once I get a house the simpler life will mean growing more of my own food. And I never want my kids to have more toys than they know what to do with - what's the point? Anyway, a few of my own thoughts on this....
Actually I live pretty close to that.All I own is a computer,gamecube and trunk full of clothes and paperwork. I travel light. You never know when you might have to start over again. I have a few times. I don't go out to eat, party or watch movies much any more. I consolidated ALL my student loans and budget a large amount to paying those off next year I will be debt free. I opted to NEVER get a credit card. Still haven't yet,but I receive 3-5 offers a week since my credit score raised to 675-680. I want to complete my Information technology degree, but I can't afford it even with my GI Bill. Where's all these legendary grants that pay for your education and shit?
I learned not to attach myself to material belongings ages ago. I mean..If you think about it all you need is food,clothing shelter and people you can trust and have fun with. Everything else is extra. Until next BLOG, Keep It Simple Stupid.smoooooch! You green-eyed bandit
***Before commenting, please recite:***
"Grant me the serenity to ignore the trolls,
the courage to debate with honest opponents,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
A lot of people in the world are a lot happier with a lot less, yet many think more "things" will make them happy. My roomate is building towards being a missionary to India, so she's been actively sacrificing a lot of things she "could afford" in order to live more simply and have more money to send to poor people in other countries. I have been trying to spend less money as well... I have been blessed that I am debt-free now, but soon I will be getting married and getting a house and then I'll have a mortgage. Right now, my fiance and I are saving for the down payment... But one of the things I come back to again and again is a scripture in 1 Titus 6:7 & 8, which says if we have food and clothing we should be content. Not even shelter, just food and clothing. That's kind of my goal - not that I won't have anything more than food and clothing, but that my heart would be content with just that and that because of this I'd have a simpler life. Right now my simpler life consists of having no microwave (so I take it slow and take the time to cook) and having no tv channels. (my default isn't watching tv but spending time with friends or reading etc) I'm hoping that once I get a house the simpler life will mean growing more of my own food. And I never want my kids to have more toys than they know what to do with - what's the point? Anyway, a few of my own thoughts on this....