h Sophisticated Hobo sc
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
When Are You Going To Play THAT?
So I'm DJ'ing tonight at Ciao Bella, and I'm halfway through my set. This older (white) couple comes up to the booth, clearly annoyed about my music...

Husband: "So, when are you going to play the funky music?"
Me: "Uh, I have been...?"
Wife: "Oh no dear, we're used to what they play in the BLACK clubs. When are you going to play that?"

..... Um, Ma'am? I've played Ne-Yo, Timbaland, Estelle, and Trick Daddy since I've been here. What exactly do you mean by 'funky'?
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, July 08, 2008 | Permalink |


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