2007 marks a year where my birthday falls during the week. Which means lots of weekend celebrations to extend the fun!
Friday I flew out to Vegas after work and arrived at the Mirage in time to change into clothes for dinner, which was comp’ed by the hotel at Japonais – possibly the most incredible sushi I’ve ever had. Then I met my Executive VIP Host – available at all times to get whatever I wanted, including Limo rides everywhere. On Friday night he got me VIP access to Jet, meaning total waiting line bypass, wheeee! I met Ludacris and 50 Cent in Jet as they were celebrating a UFC guy’s 30th birthday. Then I met a group of real estate investors from Florida who invited me to the Playboy Club at the Palms for a party Saturday night. I finally crawled into my bed at 4am Saturday morning.
After breakfast in bed I caught a limo across the street to go shopping at Sephora and wander the Venetian for a while before returning to the Mirage for a massage at the spa. Then I changed into my Grammy dress (hey, I got to wear it again, yay!) and hopped in another limo to see Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian (which was AMAZING). Dinner was again at Japonais – can’t have too much of a good thing. After dinner I changed and was picked up outside the hotel by one of my new Florida friends to go to the Palms for the party. We were escorted into a private elevator that shot us up to the 53rd floor to the Playboy Club. I was given a quick tour of the Club and Moon upstairs and then we sat down in front of $1500 worth of alcohol at our VIP table, wondering how we were going to manage surviving. So we started grabbing people who were walking by and adding alcohol to their drinks. Problem solved.
The incredible view of the Las Vegas Strip from our booth at the Playboy Club at the Palms

The equally incredible (yet disturbing) view from the bathroom stall in Moon:

At 5am we finally called it a night, and after I stumbled out of the Palms I decided to bypass the line of 300-something people waiting for taxis and called the Mirage for a limo.
Sunday heralded another massage at the spa, breakfast in bed, dinner at Japonais – seriously, cannot have too much of a good thing. Kobe beef medallions, anyone? Then it was off to Revolution for more clubbing, back to the casino for some late-late night gambling, in bed by 3am and up by 6am to catch a limo back to the airport. I landed at 8:30am and managed to get to my car and drive north back home to get to work 2 hours late.
Remember folks, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
And here it is, Tuesday, my birthday, and I am having a difficult time resisting the constant urge to sleep right here at my desk while I handle no less than SIX back-to-back conference calls……
posted by isadanceaholic at Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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That must have been an absolutely amazing experience. Can't even begin to think abou how much excitement/ fun you had (and left out ;) I'm glad you finally got your time in vegas. Happy birthday again
Happy Birthday to you! That sounds like an amazing birthday weekend to me...Glad you got to party it up in Vegas. There's one to remember...or forget, or something! :)
Glad you had such a fabulous time in Vegas!
Happy birthday. :) *hug*
All I can say is WOW and I'm insanely jealous! Happy Birthday...again!
Who do I have to sleep with to get that kind of service?
Happy birthday, and I owe you a dance (and maybe a spanking).
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"Grant me the serenity to ignore the trolls,
the courage to debate with honest opponents,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
That must have been an absolutely amazing experience. Can't even begin to think abou how much excitement/ fun you had (and left out ;) I'm glad you finally got your time in vegas. Happy birthday again